Monday, January 2, 2012

And here we go...

Blogging.  My husband's been doing it since 2005, but I've always been reluctant jump on the Blogger's Bandwagon.  They carry on their shoulders the responsibility to both inform and entertain their Followers.  Ugh!  I'm fighting the persistent feeling that MY blog will serve as their fail-safe cure for insomnia.

I first set up this blog in summer of 2011 during a technology conference hosted by my school district.  We were required to practice setting one up, so I gave mine a title and picked my background.  Then I logged out and never gave it another thought.  It wasn't until I discovered PINTEREST that I began thinking about blogging again.  There are so many great ideas on that website and most of them link back to someone else's amazing blog.  The more I looked at their cool stuff, the more I began to think about MY cool stuff!  So here I am, revisiting my 6-month-old blog and making plans to share my mediocre inspiring ideas with the world! 

It's not all about PINTEREST ideas, however.  My husband, Kyle, and I have been told on more than one occasion that our life would make a great reality show.  Believe me, we've certainly considered the idea of installing cameras throughout our house, but it wouldn't be for television.  We'd gladly use the footage to identify the reason behind the screams and growls coming from the game room or to definitively settle arguments between siblings or (best case scenario) to submit them to America's Funniest Home Videos in the hopes of winning some cash.  I'm sure my children are secretly hoping that I won't divulge too many embarrassing moments on my blog, but I'm not making any promises.

On a more serious note, I'm hoping to use my blog as a place to help inspire women with words of hope and encouragement.  God has done so much in my life and the lessons I've learned (and continue to learn) are nothing short of amazing!  Out of all things I hope to accomplish through my blog, this is by far the most daunting exciting.  My prayer is that God would blow my mind with how He uses "My 360° Life".

Won't you join me on my blogging adventure?  Perhaps you'll be inspired by my one-hit-wonder teaching ideas or chuckle at the antics of my children (and my husband!) or find encouragement as I share about my amazing God moments.  If all else fails, you can always use my blog to cure your insomnia.... :-)


  1. I would love to watch/listen to your blog and stories. I love and miss you guys dearly and it would be much more entertaining/fulfilling to check into your blog in the wee hours of the morning when Kodi is up or I myself can't sleep than try to find someone active on Facebook, so thank you for another link to keep us more connected! I think it will be AWESOME :) LOVE LISSA :)

  2. You never cease to make me laugh! I'm one reader.

  3. Ok, I'll read your blog. Looks like you've got 3 readers already. One more and you'll pass up the number of people who read my blog. LOL

    And I'm thinking with our busy lives this will be a GREAT way for me to know what's going on. So be sure and post on here daily so I can keep up!

    Love ya!

  4. I'm on board. And now I know Kyle has a blog as well. Already informative!

  5. Looking forward to reading more!!!
